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The Yuki Clan

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1The Yuki Clan Empty The Yuki Clan Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:03 am



The Yuki Clan

The Yuki Clan Naruto_props_Haku_Mask_ver_01-2-03

Name: Yuki (Haku's Clan/ All Ice Jutsu)
Founder: N/A
Location: Kirigakure
Current Clan Leader: None
Clan Members: None

History:The Yuki clan are The Mist Villages second most well known clan as its co-founder and unique ability to manipulate and create the ice element. In the time before the great villages were constructed they were one of the lesser clans for hire but they were still well known all the same and held a certain level of respect and honor. Unlike the accursed Kaguya clan they are actually quite peaceful by nature though quite deadly in battle. Despite there grand foothold in the society of Kiri, they at one point, just like the Kaguya were persecuted by the normal villagers for there arcane abilities which were beyond what normal shinobi could do. There faith in the village never wavered though, and unlike the Kaguya, they never struck back against there critics.

When the Kaguya rebellion came to pass, they led the resistance to the struggle and were the main cause for the ending of the feud. As a result of this they single handedly brought their village closer together and ended the persecution, the two clans gaining more respect and stature then ever before amongst their home. For many years they have served as the primary protectors of the village and its most well known family name.
Special Info:

Requirements: Must have Water and Wind as elements, neither can be a 2nd recessive, must either be dominant, or first recessive.

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Hyouton Creation
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Advanced Element
Rank: D-S

Description: The Bloodline limit of the Yuki clan is purely elemental. This meaning that they are one of the few ninja in the world that on top of the regular elements that all ninja have an opportunity of access to, they can also access a singular advanced element. All members of this clan have the basic elements of wind and water. They can combine the properties and fundamentals of both to create the ice element. This is done by the wind chakras adding a chilled factor to the water chakras, causing it become an over all colder chakra. When exuded from the body, its heat level is to low to be liquefied water, and instead takes the form of solid ice.

All of their clan jutsu focus around this singular concept of creating and manipulating ice. A user is capable of taking pre-existing bodies of water, large or small, and manipulating them into ice, as well as pre-existing ice formations and using them for their techniques. This ice is generally very durable and difficult to break, taking an excessive amount of physical damage for most techniques, and is also, in contradiction to naturally occurring ice, displays a resistance to fire, though is not purely immune to it its melting effects.


Name of Jutsu: Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors
Rank: B
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Ice
Training Link: -
Description: Using their kekkei genkai, Yuki members can create a dome of twenty-one mirrors made out of ice to trap an opponent. Twelve remain at ground level, eight are placed above the first twelve and angled toward the ground, and the final mirror is above the rest and facing the ground. They can then enter one of the mirrors and instantly transport to another mirror. While moving about he bombards the opponent with attacks at very high speeds, such that the rest of the world appear to be moving in slow motion compared to him. If the mirror the user is in is broken, they can leap out of one of the fragments and continue their attack or move to another mirror. The technique requires a large amount of chakra to maintain, so Their movement becomes progressively slower the longer they maintains the mirrors. Roughly a B ranked amount every two posts. Though they are made from ice, the mirrors are imbued with enough chakra to resist fire almost completely

Name of Jutsu: Ice Disk Technique
Rank: C
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Ice
Training Link: -
Description: This jutsu turns the moisture particles in the air into an ice disk. They can be hurled with tremendous force at a target and are hard to dodge because of their transparency. They can also be strung together to spy on areas. They can also be used defensively, creating highly durable shields or disks to stand on to hover in the air.

Name of Jutsu: Ice Prison Technique
Rank: B
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Ice
Training Link: -
Description: This technique requires the user to use either water from underground which they can bring up, ice underground which they can bring up, or water in the air in a highly saturated environment. If using water as a source it will cost an extra D rank amount of chakra due to having to freeze it first. The user can then trap their opponent within the ice by controlling its movements and completely surrounding them in the ice. This jutsu is strong enough to withstand basic fire jutsu, because the ice has already been infused with the user's chakra. This allows this jutsu to double as a defensive technique, by the user encasing themselves in the ice.

Name of Jutsu: Ice Release: One Horned White Whale
Rank: A
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Ice
Training Link:
Description: This jutsu allows the user to create a humongous whale, the size of a small island, out of ice to attack their opponent. The user needs a source of ice or water in order to use this technique. This jutsu is used more as a distraction technique, or to block an opponents movements, because of its size. If using water will take an extra C rank amount to freeze the vast supply into ice.

Name of Jutsu: Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm
Rank: C
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Ice
Training Link: -
Description: This jutsu creates a cluster of ice needles in the shape of miniature swallows, which the user then throws at the opponent. These needles can change direction in midair and will maim the opponent with their sharp wings.

Name of Jutsu: Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger
Rank: B
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Ice
Training Link: -
Description: his jutsu allows the user to create a giant tiger made out of ice. The user needs a nearby source of ice or water in order to use this jutsu. When using water an extra C rank amount of chakra is needed to freeze it for the technique. This jutsu is cold enough to freeze any Water Release techniques it comes into contact with.

Name of Jutsu: Ice Release: Ice Spikes
Rank: C
Users: Yuki Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Ice
Training Link: -
Description: This justu unleashes great spikes of ice that come out from the users body. They cannot be specifically controlled and are not for attack, strictly defense for a quick and uncontrolled technique. They do not bear any resistance to fire as some other Yuki Ice jutsu do. The Ice created from this can be further used for other Ice techniques as well. This defense is fairly weak and can be shattered with the simplest of techniques of almost any kind only being able to turn aside the most basic taijutsu (simple punches and kicks with no chakra added), and basic weaponary (simple nonenhanced metal or wooden weapons with no added chakra capabilities).

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